Podcast 007: Thriving vs. Appearing to Be Interested in Thriving

Podcast 007: Thriving vs. Appearing to Be Interested in Thriving

There's no shortage of memes and other quick snippets of wisdom out there that purport to help you feel better or be happier. We produce some of them, too. But a lot of people offer, and consume, only these snacks instead of full meals.

People like you, who are willing to invest a little more time in their well-being, have what it really takes to achieve their full potential. 

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Podcast 005: Putting Your Addictions in Their Place

Podcast 005: Putting Your Addictions in Their Place

Addictions and other compulsive behaviors—ones you’d rather not engage in, but have trouble stopping—are a universal problem, and you're especially likely to encounter them when you're trying to make changes in your life.

They epitomize the struggle between the primitive and human-specific parts of your brain that you need to negotiate, all the time, if you want to cultivate a Right Life. People’s natural tendency is either to face off with their addictions like they’re an opponent or run away from them but, as is usually the case, what comes easiest isn't the best approach.

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Podcast 001: Hello! Redemption, Anyone?

Podcast 001: Hello! Redemption, Anyone?

For the inaugural Right Life Project podcast, we start on common ground: the innate human desire to soar, no matter what seems to be holding us down. You're probably familiar with the concept of redemption in certain contexts, even if it's just because you watched a certain Tim Robbins film.

But it's much broader than you may think. Redemption doesn't require that you suffer a tragedy or go to prison. It requires your willingness to do what's necessary to fulfill your potential, in your own unique way.

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