Podcast 005: Putting Your Addictions in Their Place

Podcast 005: Putting Your Addictions in Their Place

Addictions and other compulsive behaviors—ones you’d rather not engage in, but have trouble stopping—are a universal problem, and you're especially likely to encounter them when you're trying to make changes in your life.

They epitomize the struggle between the primitive and human-specific parts of your brain that you need to negotiate, all the time, if you want to cultivate a Right Life. People’s natural tendency is either to face off with their addictions like they’re an opponent or run away from them but, as is usually the case, what comes easiest isn't the best approach.

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Podcast 004: The Illusion of Us vs. Them

Podcast 004: The Illusion of Us vs. Them

Part of your brain's job is to provide you with a sense of self, and identifying with that comes naturally. Holding tightly to an identity, though, whether it's yours as an individual, or that of a certain group you belong to, shuts you in as much as it shuts others out. That keeps you from thriving. It doesn't take much to begin to see through the illusion, though. 

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